Message from Director of Admin

Director of Admin

Tirupati school/College of Nursing is committed to prepare the students to be individual, a citizen and a nurse to make maximum contributions to self and society and enrichment of ongoing academic programmes. Besides medicine and surgery, the care and concern of the members of the nursing community, helps the patient recover rapidly. Nursing as a profession, has undergone several changes and continues to change, in order to incorporate the needs of society. “we focus on Competency building through education and training programmes. We have interactive individual based teaching learning processes and reliable and credible student evaluation systems. Our institutes is Result oriented, accountable and have transparent administrative and logistic support system.

We provide an education program that enhances student’s knowledge, their skills and attitude to qualify as competent nursing professionals in today’s highly competitive and health conscious society. We believe in value based education and wish to serve society through our assets our students.

Best wishes for all your future endeavours.